HeartRise Method Foundation Course

HeartRise Method Foundation Course
Learn the HeartRise Method : 6 Week Digital Course
Building a healthy relationship with your heart is the most powerful action you can take... for yourself and all those you serve. love, lead and commune with.
*Perfect for those who are curious about HeartRise ~ new or experienced with the method, want to deepen their emotional intelligence and how to INTEGRATE HeartRise into their day to day lifestyle. Also, a prerequisite for anyone who is looking to become a Leader or HeartRise Igniter.
Here's What You'll Learn:
A 6 Week Experiential Program designed to plug you in to your heart power, hone your emotional intelligence, and help you lead with the language of your heart.
Learn to integrate the method, practice alchemizing emotional energy, in real time scenarios and unleash your voice as the bridge between your head and your heart.
How It Works...
Your first video lesson with Jessie May is available once you enroll
Each week, you will receive one video lesson and corresponding HeartRise audio meditation, audio tools, and workbook
Upon completion, gain access to your online course resource page
How to HeartRise Course : Weekly Curriculum
Intro >> Welcome to HeartRise
Shifting Powerfully : From Headtrip to Heartpower
Learn :
The Science of the Heart
The Power of Emotional Intelligence
The Electromagnetic Field
The Head and Heart Connection
Module 1 >> With Heart Vision We SEE
Voyage of Discovery - Perception
Learn :
Cultivating Awareness
Heart Seeing = Innate Knowing
Understanding Vibration
Curiosity & Inquiry
Module 2 >> With Heart Focus We FEEL
Anchoring in the Heart
Learn :
E-motion >> Energy in Motion : Fear As Fuel
Feeling through to Heal Through
From Tolerance to Acceptance
Judgment to Compassion
Module 3 >> With Heart Knowing WE FREE
Building the Connection (Self Trust)
Access R.I.S.E (Radiant Integral Soul Energy)
Building TRUST with your heart power
Alchemy of Feelings
Contracted vs. Expressed Energy
Releasing Blockages and Recalibration
Module 4 >> With Heart Wisdom We FLOW
The Language of the Heart
Harness the Heart Rhythm
Empowered Voice : Heart Truth
Authenticity : A Heart Pulse
Currency of Connection
Synchronicity & Winks
Integration >> Recognize the Rhythm
Living HeartWise
Learn :
Our Greatest Currency
Vibrational Wisdom
Empowered Heart Intelligence
Excited to bring this to your practice? Join our first wave of How to HeartRise Online, and you'll be eligible to enroll in our upcoming HeartRise Facilitator Program launching January 2020.
*The facilitator program will be a selection of our most dedicated HeartRisers, eager to ignite the hearts of the planet. We're looking for the next generation of HeartRISE Leaders.
ARE YOU READY TO ROAR? #OurRadianceisContagious